Art from the Heart

You are invited to join our auction and raise some money for ‘Show Racism the Red Card’. I have been healing my heart through painting, and will be donating the profits of my first piece of artwork to Emma Houston’s Just Giving fundraiser on behalf of SRTRC. This is the artwork above. It is not quite finished […]

Speaking up, making art for relaxation and coming home…

Happy Pride beautiful ones! In these past few weeks, we have sadly continued to see more incidents of racism, misogyny and bigotry but we have also witnessed many people waking up to the struggle, as well as some taking a firm stand. The UK hip hop dance scene is not free from these discriminatory behaviours, […]

The Masks We Wear

If you are recovering from ill health or the trauma of the racism and bigotry witnessed this week, we send you love and a warm embrace. How tragic, difficult, hateful and yet hopeful these past two weeks have been. I felt proud of Bristol this week. In October 2018 I posted a piece of street art […]

Sunday Musings

‘When your action rests on a foundation of your inner practices, it is aimed in accord with both collective good {sāmānya dharma} and individual purpose {svadharma}. This battle has been in progress for a long time, and a huge layer is being hauled right now. It takes great effort. It will take everyone’s participation – […]

Womb Healing and Holistic Pelvic Care

I first discovered Holistic Pelvic Care via Tami Kents meditations. I was listening to an online app called Daily Om and taking a course: Unleash the Goddess Within by