Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK

Our Collaborators

Vicky Dela Amedume (Dramaturgy), Eva Martinez (Dramaturgy), Toni Stuart (Poet), Luke Pell (Dramaturgy), Rachel Bradbear, Big Feast (Producer), Sabrina Henry (Costume Designer), Alan Dawson (Lighting Designer), Ciaran Cunningham (Lighting Designer), Marv Radio (Musician), Sabio Janiak (Musician), Keith Mills (Musician), Benjamin Winstone (Technologist), Tarim (Technologist), Ashley Karrell (Videographer), Ben Dandy, Amar Chana (Videographers), David Bernard (Lighting), Zephyr Liddell (Cistumes).

Previous Dancers

Lianett Rodriguez Gonzalez (Dancer), Gabriela Montgomery-Solano (Dancer), Emma Houston (Dancer), Mariana Camiloti (Dancer), Rita Vilhena (Dancer), Sophia Theodosiou (Dancer), Simone Foster (Dancer), Alice Henry (Dancer)

Our Previous Partners

Serendipity. South East Dance, LDIF18, Sadlers Wells, Chelsea Theatre, Trinity, Artists 4 Artists, National Centre for Circus Arts, Dance City, Rich Mix Eastend, CASA Latin American Theatre Festival

Our mentors and supporters (Thank you)

Nia Phillips, Militsa Stojanovic, Lubi Jovanovic, Bobak Walker, De Napoli Clarke, Merville Jones, Helen Wilson,  ABC Trust, Wieke Eringa, Circo Picolino, Pearl Chesterman, Jonzi D, Kate Scanlan, Dr Abby Hoffman, Bgirl Rokafella, Kwikstep, Angel Ortiz (Lisa Ullman scholarship), Dr Nathalie Teitler, Kev (Renegade), Gavin Vincent, Abby Hoffman,  La Ena- Havana, Funceb- Salvador da Bahia (Winston Churchill Fellowship), Denilson Owulafemi, The Graham school (Lisa Ullman scholarship), Miguel Gonzalez, Lianett Rodrigues, Gil & Shelley (Pexava), Patricia Stead, Pawlett Brookes, Fergus Evans, Charlotte Vincent, Peggy Olislaegers, Lea Anderson, Sharon Watson, Neville Campbell, Ben Dunks, Nadia Iftkhar, Luke Pell, Edson Burton, Joe Williams, The Geraldine Connor Foundation