Interview questions: Conversations with Bgirls on how to be a ‘lady’.

Q1. How do you define a B-girl? Mantis: A female who breaks Brie: She is determined as fuck. She has fire. She hasn’t been able to express herself anywhere else. I have my gear… There is a way she dresses and things she needs… The pants… Her shit. I recently support brands I stand for-building small companies… Unique graffics. Keep it large baby. […]

Associate Artist Double Bill at Dance City, Newcastle

                  “A beautiful collage raw and honest physicality which holds you from beginning to end.” Alice Henry, Dance City ***** Audience members at Dance City “You have made a very intelligent piece – you lifted your very personal work into the realm of provocative and meaningful call-and-response: vital and timely thoughts and […]

June 2016: Brazil WCMT

2015 WCMT Travelling Fellowship: Brazil Blog and reflections on Cuba   Dates of journey: 17th January to 1st March 2016 Where: Salvador, Brazil Favourite food: Aipim com Queijo (Cassava with cheese)/ Acerola com Laranja (A fruit which was juiced with Orange- apparently with the highest Vitamin C content in the world/ Abaré (An Afro-Brazilian dish from Bahia made from baking a paste of mashed black-eyed peas.) Most inspiring person/people I […]

Ladylike: A blog all about creating my piece Ladylike and thereafter.

 December 2015: Ladylike R&D The Ella Mesma Company guide: How to be a lady… or  choose not to…  Ladylike is a concept I initially developed as a solo in 2012. I first heard the term ‘ladylike’ aged 4, when I was criticized for being ‘unladylike’ or too boisterous when playing. As anadult I have experiencedthe weight of gender expectations in dance.  As a Salsa dancer I am expected to smile,look sexy […]