Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK

Evol (lovE in reverse) explores the term ‘grey rape’. Between 75 and 95 per cent of rape crimes are never reported to the police, because the attacker is known to the victim personally. ‘When Yes means No, No means Maybe, and the Blanket of Confusion in Between’ (Lisa R. Wilson)

THEMES: Rape, Gender Roles, Me Too, Gender, Identity, Love, Power, Fear, History, Herstory, Environment, Nature, Control


“Unabashedly emotional” (Breakin’ Convention) Sanjoy Roy – The Guardian “The superb Ella Mesma” Donald Hutera – The Times This work was supported using public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England with mentoring and additional direction from Jonzi D and Breakin’ Convention. Thank you Jonzi D, Sparkii Ski.