Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK


Inspired by Afro-Cuban and Afro Brazilian deities, the performances represent love, pursuit, passion, and loss through the voyage of four individuals. Four strong females, four elements and four colours swirl, swoop, saunter and soar together.

This Contemporary dance piece draws on aspects of these practices along with the artists’ own experiences and interpretations. The dancers and artists involved in this work respect and value the traditional context of Orixas as sacred cultural practices.

Orixás refers to The Orishas of Yoruba mythology.

THEMES: Gender, Identity, Love, Power, Transformation, Environment, Nature, Nurture,  Orixás, Mythology, Healing, Shamanism


“Ella Mesma Company’s ‘Orixás’ carried that vital spark of originality” Graham Watts at The Place

“Potential was evident in Ella Mesma’s ‘Orixas'” Donald Hutera-Highlights of Resolution 

“Twenty minutes of pure Contemporary dance at its most physical and most sensual. Rhythmic and gymnastic, the piece told a captivating story of female strength and solidarity”   

“Sophia Theodosiou’s excellent performance in the awesome ‘Orixas’ by Ella Mesma Company. It was of a different class to the other groups. They deserve a massive congratulations.” Paddy Dodd at The Place premiere

“Totally stunning moves Ella and Rita gorgeous!” Gemma Coldicott at a Step Into Dance Sharing of the work

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