Dance Activism! Sharing the wise words of Amrita Hepi
Here she is… her words say enough. I just LOVE her! Amrita Hepi is also one to watch for some amazing work internationally. In this video… right from her opening words and acknowledgements I am hooked. For her dedication to dance activism and for her huge heart! It is so true we learn to apologise: […]
The Elderly Population BY MADISYN TAYLOR Our elderly population are our mentors and wise folk that came before us and paved the way for our future.
I read this this morning and thought it needed sharing. I am about to step into a new space in my ilife working with Yorkshire Dance on a project working with older people, and so when I saw this article, I just knew it needed sharing! In tribal cultures, the elderly play an important role. […]
The Jellyfish Metaphor: Dealing with trauma
How are jellyfish, dna, cancer, brain waves, stained glass windows, nature, space, the universe connected? I came across this article on one of my favourite sites: Medium, and I just knew this would be the basis of my new work ‘Foreign Bodies’. “Recently, a friend told me something I didn’t know about jellyfish: that certain […]
Roots of Rumba Leeds
Thank you to Yorkshire Dance for having us, to Wardrobe, to DJ Lubi and all the amazing performers on the 20th July. It felt like a really special night: we held a Q&A with the artists (Thank you for the suggestion Ian Abbot!) and we had a beautiful jam at the end of the session. […]
ICA Live Art Festival 2018
The Institute for Creative Arts (ICA) is proud to announce that the ICA Live Art Festival 2018 will take place from 1–16 September 2018. This interdisciplinary festival is designed to challenge and extend the public’s experience of live art in a non-commercial environment and make accessible the work of visual and performing artists who explore […]