Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK

May Newsletter


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Dear beautiful ones,

I am delighted to have met/worked/collaborated/connected with you in 2018 and I hope to continue to engage with you for a long time in the future, but first… you guessed it! It is GDPR time!

Below is my latest newsletter in which I tell you about all things Ella Mesma Company (including Papyllon at LDIF 2018 and in South Africa, the last Ladylike show at Dance City in Newcastle and our Lukas nomination, plus if you opt in to our newsletter you will receive a bonus link to watch the full length show online. I will also tell you about She Created Her Life: a collaboration between the amazing Tichea Brade and myself and the Roots of Rumba tour!

First please check out the compulsory GDPR stuff below: To continue hearing from me you will need to opt in to my emails… BUT when you opt in (click on the button below), I will give you a loyalty bonus link to watch the full length Ladylike production at Trinity Centre Bristol online… and don’t forget that underneath the GDPR there are lots of juicy informations about the company…

If you choose not to stay and receive emails: Thank you so much for your time! It has been great to have made contact with you and I hope to see you in person somewhere soon.

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In preparation for 25 May 2018, when the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced, we would like to verify that you are happy to continue to receive marketing material from us. If you would like to receive our e-newsletters, containing the latest news from Ella Mesma and Company, which will include details of upcoming events, performances and opportunities, please click the link below to sign up to our new newsletter.

We know and understand that you are busy, and so we will only email you when we have important things to share with you. We do not spam, pass your data onto anyone and are committed to sending you emails that are relevant and engaging.

If you would like to continue hearing from us, please update your subscription settings by using the buttons below.

You can always unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of each email we send you.

We do not share personal information with any third party or external organisations for any purpose unless we have prior permission or we are legally required to do so. Where we do share information we only share what is absolutely necessary to fulfil that contract.

To find out more about how we use personal data, please read our Privacy Policy.

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Now back to our latest news…


We have just performed a section for Let’s Dance International Frontiers by Serendipity in Leicester at the Curve along with an extract of our new work in progress ‘Foreign Bodies’ performed by Patrick Ziza and David Evans. (Above is a little snippet of rehearsal footage). Thank you for having us Serendipity: We loved the whole process! Read our blog about the making of Papyllon with Serendipity We also loved seeing the work of Germaine Acogny and taking class with the amazing Barbara Ramos (Santiago de Cuba) and Jeanguy Saintus Riché (Haiti): Thank you!

We are also extremely excited to announce that we have been granted an AIDF fund (Artists‘ International Development Fund funded by the British Council and Arts Council England), to collaborate with poet Toni Stuart in South Africa: both developing the work as a duet, and performing the finished product (more on that next month!)

We will next perform an extract of Papyllon for COLLABO Bristol on the 23rd June



We have our last Ladylike show coming up and it is going to be a little different! Our family member Azara will be travelling to LA and so we have an honorary Ladylike member joining us for this show with a twist!
Show information and tickets

We have been nominated for a LUKAS award for best dance production: alongside the likes of Sidi Larbi and Carlos Acosta! So we need your votes! Vote for best dance production here (US!)

If you missed out on seeing Ladylike, or if you want to check that we really are the best production, well we want to bring the show to you! If you opt in, we will give you a link to the full length show from Trinity Centre (The above clip is the trailer, but opt in to be sent the full show!)

Trying It On
She Created Her Life
Roots of Rumba

Trying it On: Ella Mesma had so much fun working for Lea Anderson’s Chomondeleys in Bristol this month in her piece ‘Trying it On’ at the Bristol Museum: Thank you Lea Anderson and team!

ROOTS OF RUMBA: It is nearly time! We are waiting to hear about funding, but meanwhile we can announce that we have shows and events happening in 5 UK cities!
Participate: Get involved in the cities near you! 

SCHL: We had so much fun creating, curating and hosting this with the best collaborator ever: Tichea Brade! Thank you to everyone who attended. Here are some quotes from the event: 

“You created magic on Saturday” Cindy Claes: 1000 pieces puzzler

“In our scene people are scared to show vulnerability: you created a safe space for that. Wonderful” Iris De Brito: Batuke/DAD Trailblazer 2018

And the next one (We Created) is coming soon! Mark the date: 3rd November 2018! (Would you like to present? Email us!)

We would love to hear from you: would you like us to be involved with your project? Do you have an idea you would like help to bring to life? Do you just want to share an opinion with us?  Don’t be shy: we will be happy to create, collaborate, receive or just listen! Thank you for your time reading this and we hope to continue the relationship after GDPR!

Thank you,

Copyright © *2018* *Ella Mesma Company*, All rights reserved.

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