Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK

If I can make it here I can make it anywhere that’s what they sayyyyy…

I am writing from NYC!
Where I am reinvesting in me: taking Graham & Cuban Contemporary & Haitian classes… but most of all, practicing what I preach and following my intuition… there is a reason I am here, and I am following the signs, the syncronicities and the magic… and its also tough… because I came from deep in the jungle (I have been in Mexico in the Yucutan Peninsula), to here, where there is a very different edge to navigate… Transitioning from the actual jungle and the arms of Mother Aya to this concrete jungle took some adjusting and integration… but whenever I have moments of doubt, I remember what Alicia keys said (“If I can make it here I can make it anywhere that’s what they sayyyyy…”)

And the New York magic finds me… and my heart is opening back up like a flower at all the yummy goodness of being in the CITY OF DANCE!

Yesterday I was at Graham, met BEAUTIFUL humans and reconnected to my divine via DANCE in one of those classic old school buildings typical of NYC… it felt so blissful… a bit like going back in time, but also very much grounded in the now of my body, of my intention for this year to be about my body and my health in a way which is nourishing, and really putting my wellness at the heart… and today it was Cuban Contemporary at Alvin Ailey with the beautiful Noibis Licea… so delicious… notice all the food type references? Well in the last twenty minutes of class I also planned what I was cooking when I got home (blue tortillas with toasted sunflower seeds, spinach and teriyaki tofu and it was even more delicious than the dance!!!)

And (whilst eating) I also realised why I am really here… how different the work to stay in intuition, in innocence is here, and how, if I can stay in this state here, I can make it anywhere!

So I am calling in all the magic, all of my dreams, all of the synchronicities, and the all JOY!

Plus today was also the closing ceremony of Embodied Alchemy the second round ever! (Celebrations in order!) The next round will be in September at £555 and then in 2024 it is evolving into a 9 month course! So get on it (it’s evergreen) now to have access for LIFE at half price value!!!

Once again, at class, I was reminded of how spiritual dance is for me: it feels like I am home as soon as we start our first contraction or yanvalou or bounce…
And I am so so grateful to be able to gift myself this time before the business of 2023 really begins… because there is a LOT coming soon! A new season of shows, a new season of PowerUp! Podcast, new commissions for others in Birmingham, Leeds and London, plus a new cohort of The Goddxx Path! And I am so excited to share it all with you!
But until then… I will be remembering the wise words of Alicia Keys… (“There’s nothing you can’t doNow you’re in New York”) (Feel free to replace it with whatever city/town/beautiful place in nature you are reading from!)
And for now, stay well beautiful! What are you navigating? What are you creating? What are you learning? (Yes I REALLY want to know!)
I hope in these strange and different times you can remember the JOY and bliss inside all of us and rather than to be a reactor, you are being a creator (I LOVE that these are all the same letters its just a matter of reframing/perspective!)
And below are some invitations to bring your vibes up HIGH! (Scholarships are available too incase that sneaky line about money is creeping into your head!)

Mesma Mentions

Gerrard Martin’s Project: The Metta

Metta is the ability to embrace all parts of ourselves, whilst projecting kindness and positive energy towards others. The Metta Young Black Men’s Project is a project by Gerrard Martin for 18-25 year old Young Black Men. The workshop will be held on the 12th March @ 12pm-2pm

The Eventbrite link to learn more is HERE

Writing Ourselves Home with Toni Stuart

Writing Ourselves Home is a journey back to the home of your heart with the wonderful Toni Stuart. Through reading and writing poems, they use a gentle process to hear and listen to our hearts’ whispers, songs and shouts; support them to open, and begin leaning in, to their guidance.

This online course runs from March —November 2023. Over these 9 months, we use poetry to carve a path back home to ourselves. It offers the dual focus of: writing as heart expression and learning to work with poetic form and structure. It aims to demystify poetic forms and supports you to remove fears or blocks to working with them.

Sign up and find out more HERE

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