Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK


A few weeks ago, on the new moon, I set a task with my coaching clients in our monthly group session: inspired by Ru Paul’s Drag Race, series 10, episode 11, to create a poem about their ‘Evil Twin’: Our shadow self: the things and sides of ourselves we are ashamed of and hide from the world… Here was my own response… which resulted in a marriage of masculine to feminine! I called the poem Ibeyi, which is ‘twins’ in yoruba.


Her ying
His Yang

They collide awkwardly
Bumping into each other
Like a couple sharing their life together
but living separately
Off kilter

He is Brutish at first
Angry, bossy,
He tramples on her paintings
believing them to be unworthy

Later, when she’s not looking
He picks up the pen
And tries to recreate her shapes
But finds his version to be missing something too

She is quiet unsure of her worth
So enamoured by her brothers long words
She takes a step backwards
willing to be more like him

But when the time comes
It is him who is frozen
Those puffed up words cannot hide
His fear

And it is her golden honey voice
That mends the cracks
Like a Japanese kintsugi pot

He helps her to sweep the space

listening carefully, head cocked sideways
He asks her to show him how

they place the painting
they made
in the centre

A beautiful blend: sweeping figure of 8s
Golden meeting red
Lines and curves of shadows and light

The sun and the moon creating the perfect eclipse

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