Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK

Because the Earth without Art is just Eh? And is it still art if there are areola?

Happy 2023!
This is my first Ela Mesma Company blog post of the year, and there is lots to say!
Second of all, do you like our new logo (above)? My friend Sandun made it and I love that the three triangles represent the three pillars of the work I make: movement, manifestation and meditation! I make my art with a lot of intuitive downloads, and a goal to inspire and empower audiences and company members alike to live their true purpose and destiny… plus to change the world one dance at a time (shaping the world as we would like to see it like Bertolt Brecht), because the Earth without Art is just Eh!
Third of all, we are playing with using the name Ela (not Ella) Mesma Company (find out why on our website which our web designer Sagar has been working hard to upgrade!)
Fourth of all, I wrote a book! It’s based on a Journalling practice I have been developing over (and now do every single day) the past 7 years to get my creative, intuitive juices flowing and includes a mini-biography of my journey to alchemy, a manuscript on alchemy and how to use it, plus the journal practice itself. Buy it (or share it with someone who might love it) HERE
And finally… the big news…
Instagram took down my art because it had my nipples in it!!!
So as a rebellion, I am reposting them on my website (because I am pretty sure the conclusion was they were art)… and The Earth without Art is just Eh!

So here is how it came about that I posted a nipple on Instagram…


I was chatting with my PowerUp! Podcast partner Ama Rouge (ps we have an awesome competition happening… find out about it HERE) about our favourite shoots we have done over the years…


Partly this was prompted because photographer Vikki Marie Page has an exhibition in Lisbon and mentioned there might be a semi-nude (just one areola to be precise!) very artistic snap of me included in it… which funnily I did once post on my Instagram without any problems…


Ama was about to shoot with an incredible London photographer and was looking at sheer fabrics, so we got to talking about semi-nudity and the art of that kind of shoot…


And I remembered one of my first ever shoot, alongside my beautiful friend Akiyo.


And I realised I had never shared any of these images (from over ten years ago!) because I was such a perfectionist I had spotted things that were “not good enough” with these images… (like a mark on my leg for example)… and I thought a nude shoot was something to hide…


Now, I think they’re pretty awesome and I am so glad I have this memory (I actually had to write to the photographer because I didn’t even have these images anymore! And big ups and honouring to the photographer James Rowbotham who made me feel incredibly comfortable and at home during the shoot and was so willing to find me those images ten years later!)


And then (back to Ama and my chat), came all the big questions that these photos prompted and the kind of discussions Ama and I love (which you will know if you listen to our podcast!) such as…


Is this art??


Is this empowered art???


Does the gender of the photographer make it less empowered art????


And more…


Oooh how I love a good dive into these sorts of questions!


So the photos are HERE


And I would love to know your thoughts on the questions above?


And wishing you a magic 2023 full of meditation and manifestion and movement!


PS wanna catch a show? HERE are dates for 2023 so far!

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