This year I have been developing a duet called Papillon with Toni Stuart a poet from South Africa, and the support of Dance 4 and Serendipity. I will be sharing a section at the LDIF 2018 in Leicester on the 10th May.
Here is my interview with Dance 4 about the creation!
Q. Can you tell us about how you feel you have developed as an artist over the last year working with Dance4?
A. Meeting Joao Fiadeiro through Dance4, Serendipity and Dance Umbrella, to my own journey and chats with Pawlet, through digging super deep and facing my fear I have grown as an artist. From going into my cave (exposing myself; being honest about my feelings), I have emerged and really do feel like I have come out the other side much lighter. The things that occupied my mind and made me worry, are not as big or important as they were inside my head. I will never forget Hakeem Onibudo talking about the ‘Hero’s journey’ back in 2013, and I really do feel like that has been this year. It is not like some miracle has happened outside, but I have stepped into me this year, I have realised who I am, and taken the blessings in that.
Thank you for having me Serendipity and Dance 4 it has been such a fantastic opportunity!