Ella Mesma Company

Leading Diaspora Dance Theatre in the UK

How are our beliefs showing up in our bodies, Munich & The Rainbow Butterfly

Sending love from Munich!
I am here doing my Rolfing level 1.
I have been fascinated by Rolfing ever since working for Russell Maliphant (who is a Rolfer) in 2012, when I also did 10 sessions with Giovanni Fellucioni. Since leaving London, I have taken occasional sessions when I can passing through London with the wonderful Hayley Matthews and that magic led me to apply last year for the Dance Professionals Fund to begin the training.
The funny piece of the puzzle was, whilst in Mauritius at Christmas (for which I am so grateful!), I began to really be aware of the four structures (explained below), and feel the intuition of “I am meant to do this training”… so I wrote to the DPF to ask for feedback on my application rejection… to which they replied to say, “Ella, you got the funding!”… it turned out that my admin at the time had replied to the email to say thank you, and filed away the email (exactly as I instructed)… but I had missed the part where I told them I needed to know the outcome first! So what a JOY (and a rush!) it was to organise this year around the training in Munich. And huge thanks to the DPF for making this amazing opportunity possible!
These are the 4 Structures that I have been learning about this week:
Physical is the skeletal system (which also affects the muscles and the fascia of course!)
Coordination might be things like the specifics of how we walk (for example, my no longer having a nerve or tendon in one toe has been affecting my walk: so my coordination is also influenced by my physicality)…
Perceptive may be factors like our senses: how we respond to sounds, sights, touch… or perhaps even our intuition or instinct?
But meaning: this was one of those moments when our worlds cross over: Meaning could be framed as, “How do your beliefs affect your physical structure and how it moves in space?” For example, maybe we felt a lot of shame as a child, so stooped our neck… or maybe we did so as a teenager because suddenly we believed we were too tall… there may be countless meanings we put on and ways we hold meaning in the body… and these meanings affect how we hold ourselves in space… and of course how others perceive us, and how we navigate the world: so essentially this is yet another way that our belief creates our reality!
It’s been fun intuitively working this information into the new course I was already building (Goddxx Glow, which is sort of a combination of The Goddxx Path & Embodied Alchemy for graduates of my coaching work).
And it’s been amazing witnessing my coursemates also transforming their structures as they learn about all of this! Today we began working with touch for the first time, and it’s been such a JOY to combine touch with all those moments of intuition I began experiencing in Mauritius.
Meanwhile at EMC, we are awaiting some funding results (and releasing the outcome knowing that we would LOVE it and that we are also very joyful getting ready for the tour of The Rainbow Butterfly this year). Catch us at a city near you HERE… and feel free to join me in holding the End Result for our funding to make a new show! (Thank you!)
I have also been working on a movement course which I began filming this time last year in NYC, which has been very fun, and moving forwards with the final steps for the Consciousness Conference which happens next weekend: a collaboration with two amazing humans and 15 super (a word I am hearing lots here in Munich!) guest speakers!
And my musing for you (and me) this week is, “How is meaning showing up in how you hold yourself in space?”

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